Johnson & Johnson Sutures

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MERSILK 4/0 Black FS-2 19mm 3/8 circle RC 45cm (36pcs)

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A non-absorbable, sterile, surgical, braided Mersilk suture produced from cocoons of the silkworm Bombyx Mori. Coated with wax to give “hand” to the suture so that it does not become limp or brittle.

Mersilk provides prolonged tensile strength retention in tissue for up to 3 months.

  • Braided For easy handling and secure knot tying.
  • Coated With wax to give “hand” to the suture. Does not become limp or brittle.
  • Natural Produced from cocoons of the silk worm Bombyx Mori.
  • Non-Absorbable Provides prolonged tensile strength retention in tissue for up to 3 months.
  • Colour Black
  • Sterilisation By Irradiation.

Johnson & Johnson
